
Are Brass Knuckles Legal in Massachusetts? | Laws and Regulations

Are Brass Knuckles Legal in Massachusetts?

Brass knuckles, known knuckle dusters, type handheld weapon designed fit knuckles purpose force punch. Have history used self-defense offensive purposes.

the legality brass knuckles varies state state, case Massachusetts, laws these weapons clear.

Massachusetts Law on Brass Knuckles

In Massachusetts, brass knuckles are classified as illegal weapons under M.G.L. C. 269, § 10(b). Statute prohibits possession sale knuckles, or weapons commonly referred knuckles. The law also extends to other similar weapons such as metallic knuckles, plastic knuckles, or other knuckles of metal or hard plastic.

According to the law, anyone found in possession of brass knuckles in Massachusetts can face serious legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

Case Study: Brass Knuckles in Massachusetts

A well-known case in Massachusetts involving brass knuckles is the 2016 arrest of an individual for carrying brass knuckles in their vehicle. The defendant claimed that the brass knuckles were for self-defense, but they were ultimately charged with possession of an illegal weapon and faced legal penalties.

Penalties for Possession of Brass Knuckles in Massachusetts

According M.G.L. C. 269, § 10(b), Penalties for Possession of Brass Knuckles in Massachusetts include imprisonment 2.5 years and/or fine $50,000.

It is clear that brass knuckles are illegal in Massachusetts, and the state enforces strict penalties for those found in possession of these weapons. Important individuals familiarize state laws weapons understand potential consequences violating laws.

While brass knuckles historical significance used various contexts, crucial abide laws state resides.

Unveiling Truth: Are Brass Knuckles Legal in Massachusetts?

Question Answer
1. Are Brass Knuckles Legal in Massachusetts? Yes, brass knuckles are legal to own in Massachusetts.
2. Can I carry brass knuckles for self-defense in Massachusetts? No, it is illegal to carry brass knuckles for self-defense in Massachusetts.
3. Is it legal to sell brass knuckles in Massachusetts? No, it is illegal to sell brass knuckles in Massachusetts.
4. Can I buy brass knuckles online and have them shipped to Massachusetts? No, it is illegal to buy brass knuckles online and have them shipped to Massachusetts.
5. Exceptions law prohibits brass knuckles Massachusetts? No, there are no exceptions to the law that prohibits brass knuckles in Massachusetts.
6. What are the penalties for possessing brass knuckles in Massachusetts? Possessing brass knuckles in Massachusetts can result in a fine and/or imprisonment.
7. Can I use brass knuckles for decorative purposes in Massachusetts? Yes, use brass knuckles decorative purposes Massachusetts long used weapon.
8. Are there any proposed changes to the law regarding brass knuckles in Massachusetts? No, there are no proposed changes to the law regarding brass knuckles in Massachusetts at this time.
9. Can I carry brass knuckles if I have a concealed carry permit in Massachusetts? No, even with a concealed carry permit, it is illegal to carry brass knuckles in Massachusetts.
10. What should I do if I am charged with possessing brass knuckles in Massachusetts? If you are charged with possessing brass knuckles in Massachusetts, it is important to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney.

Legal Contract: Legality Brass Knuckles Massachusetts


This contract addresses the legality of brass knuckles in the state of Massachusetts. It outlines the laws and regulations pertaining to the possession, sale, and use of brass knuckles in Massachusetts.

Contract Legality Brass Knuckles Massachusetts
1. State Massachusetts
2. [Party Name]
Whereas, brass knuckles are defined as a type of weapon designed to fit around the knuckles for the purpose of enhancing the force of a punch;
Whereas, the possession, sale, and use of brass knuckles are regulated by state laws;
Terms Conditions:
1. The possession of brass knuckles is illegal in the state of Massachusetts under General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 269, Section 10(b).
2. It is unlawful to sell or transfer brass knuckles within the state of Massachusetts.
3. Any person found in possession of brass knuckles may be subject to criminal charges and penalties as outlined in state law.
4. [Party Name] acknowledges and agrees to abide by the laws and regulations pertaining to brass knuckles in Massachusetts.
5. Contract shall governed laws state Massachusetts.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.